A tale of fantasy and friendship centers
A School of Good and Evil
by Kathia Woods
When one first sees the advertisement for the School of Good and Evil and sees Kerry Washington and Charlize Theron, one assumes that the two ladies will be at the center of the story, but this film actually centers on the friendship of its younger leads. The plot revolves around Sophie (Sophia Ann Caruso) and Agatha (Sofia Wylie). They are the outcasts in the fictional town of Gavaldon. Sophie is an orphan, and Agatha is labeled a witch because of her mother, so they are best friends who share everything. The film is based on Soman Chainani's best-selling novel of the same name, and it features young women as heroes. It's a young fantasy film directed by Paul Feig, who specializes in this genre.
The two girls discuss how they want to overcome their village's small-mindedness in order to pursue bigger and better dreams. Sophie, in particular, fantasizes about being whisked away to attend The School of Good and Evil. A giant skeleton bird grants her wish, but the bird transports Agatha and Sophie to the incorrect branch of the school. Agatha, a feminist, is outraged that she has been transported to this new world and wishes she could just grab her best friend and return home. Sophie is dissatisfied with her new surroundings. She aspired to be a princess but is surrounded by classmates who want her to be evil.
The school specializes in preparing the next generation of heroes and villains. This is allegedly predetermined, which is why they claim they don't make mistakes. The headmistresses, Lady Lesso (Charlize Theron) and Good Principal Professor Dovey (Kerry Washington), are not amused by the girls' discontent, so each girl must adjust to their predicament.
To make matters worse, this new home treats them worse than the villagers from whom they fled. Sophie, who is very much a girly girl, is bullied by her goth classmates. Agatha, who is very much into feminism, is made to wear frilly dresses and be judged on how well she smiles. A film about young girls is bound to include some boys.
Tedros (Jamie Flatters) is King Arthur's son, and Rafal (Kit Young) the punk band look alike fill that void. Each boy hopes to woo the young lady with his charms.
Rounding out the cast is Laurence Fishburne as the schoolmaster and Michelle Yeoh as Prof. Emma Anemone, the Beautification teacher. Cate Blanchette is the narrating quill pen giving the tale an extra charm.
The School of Good and Evil doesn't add anything new to the fairytale genre, but it does provide some family fun for the tween demographic. It's worth seeing because of the two young leads. Caruso's transformation from good girl to villain was entertaining to watch. It was also entertaining to see Wylie embrace Aggie's rebellion and her realization that not everything is as it appears. They make this film enjoyable because they immerse themselves in their roles.
In a time when everything is so serious, The School of Good and Evil is the escapism that we all need, especially our children.
Fantasy is entertaining, and if young girls learn that relying on your best friend is more important than being popular, that's an added bonus.
The School of Good and Evil is currently streaming on Netflix