Review of Kin
Review of Kin by Kathia Woods
Kin, the latest movie by directors Josh Baker and Jonathan Baker, is being marketed as sci-fi movie however it’s a film about Family.
It's about the relationship between father, son, and brothers. It has elements of sci-fi that interplay in the story. Dennis Quaid plays the old school patriarch Hal Solinski. He raises his sons Jimmy and Elijah with tough love and old school values. Elijah is Hal's adopted son portrayed beautifully by Myles Truitt.
I enjoyed his journey but needed more story building. How did he come into this family? What made the Solinski's adopt him? I also needed more details on how Elijah was able to retrieve this futuristic weapon. Was this the first time he had an inkling that he may be a little different?
Jimmy portrayed by Jack Reynor is immature. He doesn't think about the consequences of his actions. He has ample opportunities throughout this movie to grow, but he doesn't. I kept wanting to scream at Jimmy to grow up. Elijah may be the little brother, but he's more mature.
James Franko portrays Tyler. His performance as the villain is predictable. The bad hair, accent, and clothing bring nothing new to the table. His reaction to his brother's death is expected hence the interaction with the brothers was very underwhelming. Also if this is supposed to be a sci-fi movie, it needed more sci-fi moments thus for me it’s more about the complexity of family. The saving grace is Myles Truitt. He's worth the price of admission of this movie. If there is a part two, then the directors must give him better material. Zoey Kravitz was inserted to have a female distraction, that's it. The end was surprising, but it couldn't salvage the movie. In the end one must ask were we made to sit through the boredom only to set up a sequel.
Diversity – it gets a 6. I liked that an African American Boy was the hero. I wish Zoey Kravitz character had a purpose.
A scale of 1-10- I give this movie a sad 5.