The Fun Injection DC Needed
Shazam by Kathia Woods
In recent years there have been some questionable moves made over at Warner Brothers more specifically DC.
We shook our head at the announcement of Ben Affleck as Batman and the thought given to a revival of Green Lantern. It seemed things were so bad at DC that one wondered if it was even accurate to compare them to Marvel.
In comes Wonder Woman followed up by Aquaman and now we have Shazam.
Shazam is the Superhero we never knew we needed. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.
Here are some of the reason why. I absolute loved this cast. Zachary Levi is amazing as Captain Marvel. He strikes a great balance between adult and teenager. His discovery of his talents is hilarious especially his attempts at flight. Asher Angel as Billy Batson makes you root for him. His drive to find his biological mother makes us the viewer hope that their will be a happy ending. The foster kids may be my favorites out of all the cast. Faithe Herman as Darla is pure joy, Ian Chen as Eugene Choi the techie, and Jovan Armand as Pedro Pena the quite one are more than supporting players. They are the Cheer squad as well as Billy’s conscious.
The one character I wished they would have us given us more context on was Freddy Freeman as Jack Dylan Grazer. His disability was never really addressed. They missed an opportunity to educate with humor how it is navigating the world as a disabled isn’t always fun especially in high school.
Is this movie perfect, no but what is does do is entertain us? It shows us that even Super heroes struggle and must be taught to do the right thing.
This direction that DC is taking with focusing on secondary characters and humor is working. So take your time finding a new Batman and Superman. We are doing just fine with Shazam. Keep giving us laughter because we could use the break from the bad brooding.
Diversity- this movie gets a six we an Asian, Latino and African-American Character.
Scale- eight for sheer fun.