Epic Battles between two Monsters Godzilla vs Kong
by Kathia Woods
The last time we saw Godzilla, or shall we Godzillas, they were fighting amongst themselves. This time filmmakers have decided to keep it simple by making King Kong his advisory. The match-up is the beginning of the Summer Movie season.
Fans worldwide will be happier with this presentation seeing that the storyline is flusher and the primary focus on adventure.
The cast has also been downsized, keeping fan favorites Kyle Chandler as Mark Russell. Also returning is Millie Bobbie Brown as Madison Russell.
Godzilla vs. Kong is that movie we need right now to escape many of life's realities. Currently, we are all fighting to get vaccinated, praying that we can have some sense of normalcy while balancing our anxiety of Covid, which is still very real.
Warner Media understanding the above has made the film available via theaters, and HBO max realizing their audience might not be fully prepared to sit in a movie theater. Also, keep in mind that the unemployment rate for most of the country is still high. With that in mind, Godzilla vs. Kong plays well at home. Most of us have a big screen tv and surround sound due to our love of movies or obsession with sports. I saw it on a 75-inch tv and enjoyed every second of it.
Unlike the previous outing, Godzilla vs. Kong established the premise that you must choose. On the one side, we have Kong, who's been living in protected isolation, and on the other, Godzilla is waiting to reappear. Both are scary and strong perfect set up for an epic match. Their annoyed because, once again, the humans have decided they know them better than themselves.
To make the film seem realistic, we once again have a bunch of scientists studying these two monsters as well as military folks to keep them in line. Don't worry; they are just there for window decoration. The two big boys are still front and center. The highlight amongst the humans comes in two forms Brian Tyree Henry (Bernie Hayes), a conspiracy blogger, and Julian Dennison (Josh Valentine) pessimistic friend to Maddison. Those two make this film more fun and provide humor. Suppose you're looking for a strong plot, don't. Many moments of sheer foolery and things make zero sense, but those don't take away from the adventure.
As far as screen time Kong wins that one; in Godzilla vs. Kong, he's presented to be a savior for humankind. He also has a friendship with a pre-teen named Jia (Kaylee Hottle). They connect on a mental note. After all, Kong is always a second away from being unruly. All the above sets of the main event the battle.
Salute to the team that created Kong. He's visually stunning and realistic, not just in looks but in movement as well. The environment that was built around Kong is equally impressive, especially when we first see him. Godzilla is also well designed and similarly remarkable, especially in the scenes when he's in full strength. The one takeaway from the special effects is when they introduce other characters. The production value is not the same, which is a bit disappointing.
The 12-minute battle between these monsters does not disappoint, and you may find yourself cheering out loud for one or the other that's how impressive it was. Prepare yourself for many roars.
Godzilla vs. Kong is the summer movie we deserve. It has an excellent balance between humor, storyline, and natural adventure. This film has what was missing from the previous one. It's a return to a fun experience, and that's excellent whether you chose to see the movie in a theater or at home. Also, this is a film that the whole family can enjoy. The violence is not grotesque, and the humor isn't crude. Warner Bros has served notice Summer is here; buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Godzilla vs Kong is out 3/25/21 in theaters and HBO Max