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Joaquin Phoenix is one of this generation’s best actors. He's consistently given us great work. He's that rare breed of an artist willing to do whatever it takes to bring a character alive. In Joker he is taking all the above to another level.
Joker is a beautifully dark tale. Director Todd Philips takes us on a daring adventure that shows how a person unravels when he feels hopeless and rejected.
Arthur Fleck feels invisible. He's a mature man that lacks focus, lives with his mother, and is on meds. He dreams of better; he wants better. The world, however, views him as a degenerate weirdo. In comes the persona aka Joker. In him, he finds justice and infamy.
Joker does a fantastic job of showing the darkness of Gotham. Gotham is seedy and harsh. This is what's been missing from Warner Brother's latest outings. We look to Batman, and its sub-characters for complexity. Joker delivers on all counts. It's the brilliance of Phoenix transition from victim to a folk hero that makes this so riveting.
Many worried that Joker would send the wrong message. If anything, it takes a mirror on society’s ills. It shows how misinformation and lies can be a recipe for disaster.
If Phoenix represents complexity, Zazie Beetz, as Sophie Dumond represents hope. She's Arthur's muse.
Frances Conroy is Penny Fleck; she represents limitations. Arthur hears her tell tales of a grander time. She needs his companionship for he is her connection to the outside world.
Joker is a slow burn, and for some, the pace isn't going to be fast enough; however, director Todd Philips is painting a full picture. He gives a complete journey and understanding how a person becomes desensitized. Instead of creating an unnecessary controversy, we should look at how society, education, healthcare fails those considered misfits. After all, a person doesn't wake up one day and feels invisible; it takes a lifetime of labels to drive one to madness. I'm not one to make Oscar Predictions in September however this performance as Joker makes Phoenix the front runner come award season. He's put in the work, and this performance is just brilliant.
Scale: 8.5 Joaquin Phoenix is outstanding.