A Death Pact goes wrong in The Count of Three
by Kathia Woods
The only thing keeping you going when you're fed up with life is the thought of putting an end to it, but not quietly, but rather with a boom.
Wearing a blond hair in On the Count of Three, Christopher Abbott turns in a spectacular performance as the title character. It's Jerrod Carmichael's first time behind the camera as a filmmaker.
Kevin's best friend Val, played by Jerrod Carmichael, is one half of a deal to commit a suicidal double theft with him. It's getting old being dull in this world. Before we say our ultimate goodbyes, we have one more day left on this earth...
This film is a journey as much as it is a test, and that's what makes it so captivating. Carmichael takes on the director's chair for this action-packed film, which hails from Ari Katcher and Ryan Welch as the screenwriters. Two buddies who have lost hope in humanity are shown in the story. This movie takes a unique go at friendship while also hinting at something dark beneath the surface. It's quick and severe, and it approaches suicide in a unique way.
The whole film hinges on Abbott and Carmichael's performances and works due to their commitment to this socially challenging subject. Abbott is a walking cliché; niceness has ruined his life, his humor stems from heartbreaks, and his only source of joy is knowing a Papa Roach song. Abbott appears to be salvageable because he still finds pockets of positivity through juvenile antics. Carmichael has died. He's cynical but composed.
The film has a moment where it loses its zeal, but it quickly recovers. The ending is difficult to swallow, but the goal of this film was never to make you feel good.
Despite its serious subject matter, On the Count of Three is one of the most exciting films you'll see this year. It depicts a friendship put to the test, a battle with depression, and how society fails those at a crossroads. If nothing else, this film will make you check on your friends, especially your strong ones.